Witchcraft Halloween Costumes Details
Witch's Night Out is a Canadian animated television Halloween special that premiered on NBC October 27, 1978. Produced in a Toronto studio, it was the sequel to the 1974 special The Gift of Winter with the vocal talents from Dan Aykroyd and Vlari Bromfield. It featured the voices of Fiona Reid as Nicely and Catherine O'Hara as Malicious, with Gilda Radner as the titular witch.Like the earlier special, Witch's Night Out was produced by John Leach and Jean Rankin for CBC Television. It later aired on the Disney Channel every year from 1983 to the late 1990s. This cartoon film was released on videotape August 5, 1995 by Family Home Entertainment.Plot The plot involves a witch who accompanies two children named Small and Tender with their babysitter (Bazooey) to a Halloween party and transforms them into a werewolf, Frankenstein's monster, and a ghost (previously their Halloween costumes). The witch takes them to the Halloween party-in-progress at her house. Other citizens of the town get offended. They try to catch these supernatural beings as a mob. The children and Bazooey spend the night as real eerie creatures but decide they need to become human beings again. A disco song entitled "Witch Magic" was sung in this film.
Witch's Night Out is a Canadian animated television Halloween special that premiered on NBC October 27, 1978. Produced in a Toronto studio, it was the sequel to the 1974 special The Gift of Winter with the vocal talents from Dan Aykroyd and Vlari Bromfield. It featured the voices of Fiona Reid as Nicely and Catherine O'Hara as Malicious, with Gilda Radner as the titular witch.Like the earlier special, Witch's Night Out was produced by John Leach and Jean Rankin for CBC Television. It later aired on the Disney Channel every year from 1983 to the late 1990s. This cartoon film was released on videotape August 5, 1995 by Family Home Entertainment.Plot The plot involves a witch who accompanies two children named Small and Tender with their babysitter (Bazooey) to a Halloween party and transforms them into a werewolf, Frankenstein's monster, and a ghost (previously their Halloween costumes). The witch takes them to the Halloween party-in-progress at her house. Other citizens of the town get offended. They try to catch these supernatural beings as a mob. The children and Bazooey spend the night as real eerie creatures but decide they need to become human beings again. A disco song entitled "Witch Magic" was sung in this film.
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
Witchcraft Halloween Costumes
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